Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Plastic products screen printing machine types

If you want to print plastic bottles, we need to use plastic screen printing machine for printing, then what screen printing machine can be plastic products printing it? Next we will introduce the type of plastic screen printing machine?

Plastic products screen printing machine types

1. Manual flat screen printing machine
This is the easiest plastic screen printer, flatbed platform, hinged connection. Printing, pick and place the printing material, printing plate landing, scraping ink, back to the ink by hand, the biggest advantage is simple, economical, regardless of the type of material, as long as the flat shape can be printed.
Plastic products screen printing machine
2. Flat network platform lift screen printing machine
Printing plane screen printing plate does not move, the plane can be used for up and down the table can be raised and lowered, scraper horizontal direction for automatic ink scraping movement. Work balance printing, overprint accurate, can be used for multi-color overprint.
3. Flat screen roller automatic screen printing machine
This machine is composed of automatic feeding, printing mechanism, delivery mechanism and drying device. The screen printing plate used in the printing is horizontally mounted on the frame, scraping the table for the roll, the scraper can be moved up and down. Each print a color, move around the screen, the scraper moves up and down again. The machine from the paper to the printing can be continuous automatically, but also according to different substrates with a jog and semi-automatic devices. This screen printing machine overprint high precision, high production efficiency.
4 rotary screen printing machine platform
Screen printing plate was drum-shaped, scraper installed in the rotary screen printing plate, printing platform for the platform. Printing materials with roll material. Printing, the plane workbench does not move, Rotary rotary screen printing plate, the vertical downward scraper squeeze the ink through the rotary screen printing ink over the part of the horizontal movement of the printing material by Mexico, constitute the printing map Text, this screen printing machine can be arranged in units for multicolor overprint, suitable for plastic film, textile and other color printing.
5. Rotary screen cylinder screen printing machine
The machine screen printing plate, stamping table were cylindrical. Rotation of the two rollers when printing, rotary screen squeegee squeeze network to listen to ink, ink through the rotary screen version of the ink, so that printing ink by the composition of the printing. This screen printing machine speed, suitable for high-volume plastic screen printing.
Surface screen printing machine can be pided into manual, semi-automatic and automatic surface screen printing machine. Screen printing plate was flat, around the fan-shaped axis for horizontal movement. Printed material (cylindrical or conical) by the rotation of the roller support for synchronous rotation movement, under the pressure of the vertical scraper, the surface of the printing line was in contact with the screen printing plate, printing ink squeegee squeeze Press, leak printing to the surface of the print, the formation of graphic. Overprint at the same position after the colored, then rotate a certain angle (printing), and then the printing plate rotation and printing.
7. Conical side plastic screen printing machine
It is the same with the cylinder printing machine, mainly used for printing plastic containers, glasses and so on.
There are several plastic screen printing presses that can print patterns on plastic. If you want to buy plastic screen printing machines, you can contact us and we will provide you with detailed instructions and introduction.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Screen Printing ink composition analysis

Screen Printing inks by the pigment, connecting materials, fillers and other materials uniformly dispersed mixed slurry. Pigments to give the printed products rich and colorful tones; the binder as a pigment carrier, but also as a binder to fix the pigment on the substrate surface; filler to give the appropriate properties of the ink, making the ink to meet the printing printability of various printing processes .
 What are the screen printing ink composition?
Ink should have a certain mobility, and to meet the requirements of a variety of printing process properties, can quickly dry in the printed matter, the dried ink film should have a corresponding variety of water, acid, alkali, light, rub, Wear resistance and other resistance.
What are the screen printing ink composition?
1, connecting material
The binder is an adhesive fluid that functions primarily as a pigment carrier by mixing and mixing solid particles such as powdered pigments, and secondly as a binder to allow the pigment to eventually adhere to the substrate surface to Achieve the display text, images, markers, decorations and other purposes. Ligand largely determines the viscosity of the ink, viscosity, drying and mobility. To get high-quality inks, you must use high-quality linkers. The main components of the binder are oil (vegetable oil, mineral oil), resin, solvent and auxiliary materials.
2, additives
Due to the variety of printing conditions, at the same time, it is inevitable for printing workers to actively adapt to changing printing conditions, use good inks and improve printing quality. It is inevitable to add several kinds of ink additives with specific properties to the ink. Ink additives can improve certain properties of inks, such as: plasticizers can increase the plasticity of polymer materials, ink film has good flexibility; thinner can make ink thinning, increase ink flow, while reducing Ink viscosity; retarder, also known as viscosity reducer, which can reduce the viscosity of the ink, while not affecting the body of the ink; driers (desiccant) can speed up the ink drying speed; dilute agent used to dilute the purpose The color of the ink, also known as the desalination agent; The purpose of anti-gelling agent is to prevent the gel ink, thickening and agglomeration; Anti-dry agent (antioxidant) can delay the oxidation of dry oil polymerization process; Anti-rub agent) to prevent the ink on the printed product to the other printed on the back; surfactant can improve the dispersion of solid components to prevent its aggregation and precipitation; preservatives can extend the water-based ink storage time; defoaming Agents can eliminate the bubbles generated during the use of ink; UV absorbers can improve the lightfastness of printed matter.
3, Pigments and dyes
Colored materials used in screen printing inks are usually pigments, but also useful for some dyes. Pigments and dyes are very fine particles of colored material. Pigments generally do not dissolve in water, do not dissolve in the binder, most of the solution is called the suspension state; dyes are generally soluble in the binder. Pigments must have high tinting strength, hiding power, chemical stability, light resistance and other properties, while the dispersion in the connecting material should also be high. Commonly used in screen printing inks for inorganic pigments, fillers, organic dyes and dyes.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Screen printing screen frame is made of what material?

Production of screen printing screen Frames materials used are mainly wood, hollow aluminum, aluminum molding frame, steel and other materials. The most commonly used is the aluminum frame made of aluminum. However, all kinds of screen printing screen frames have their own characteristics. When selecting, the screen frames of different materials can be selected according to different situations. The following are the introduction of three kinds of screen printing screen frames:
Wood Screen Printing Screen Frames with simple production, light weight, easy operation, low price, stretching method is simple and so on. This Wood Screen Printing Frames is suitable for manual printing. However, this kind of wood frame material is solvent-resistant, has poor water resistance, easily deformed after immersion, and affects printing accuracy. This kind of  Wood Screen Printing ScreenFrames is commonly used in the past and is rarely used now.
Wood Screen Printing Screen Frames
Hollow aluminum profile screen printing screen frames and cast aluminum frame, with light operation, high strength mesh frame, firm and not easy to deformation, solvent resistance and water resistance, beautiful and so on. Suitable for mechanical printing and manual printing.
Hollow aluminum profile screen printing screen frames
Steel mesh Screen Printing Frames is strong, high strength and good resistance to solvents and water, etc., but bulky, inconvenient to operate the shortcomings, so the use of a small range.

Screen printing ink in the use of what problems?

Screen printing ink in the use of what problems? In the use of daily life, silk screen inks what problems?
Screen printing ink in the use of what problems?
1. Foam
The reason is the printing viscosity is too high, too fast, the plate and the substrate has been too fast, bad layout, the ink itself has caused the problem and other factors, can take appropriate measures to adjust, or add appropriate defoamers and replace the ink.
2. blocking version
The reason is too fast drying, printing speed is too slow, the printing viscosity is too high, the use of poor and improper diluent, printing layout by the wind, ink fineness or impurity caused by impurities. Should be properly adjusted drying speed, or replace the ink.
3. pinhole
The reason is that the printed body is too smooth, the printing surface has a protective layer of grease or impurities, and the ink itself is not good. Therefore, it is necessary to pretreat the surface of the printed object, add a leveling agent or replace a good ink.
4. bad adhesion
The reason is improper choice of ink, pre-treatment is not sufficient; substrate debris, lack of drying time; additives, curing agent, drier dosage is not appropriate, two-component ink color printing, the background hardening and so on Caused by factors
As the chemical polarity of PE, PP, PET, aluminum foil and other materials is very low or too smooth, it is generally carried out by EDM, flame, acid soaked in order to improve the surface tension of the printing surface. Two-component ink ink film curing, due to the chemical reaction, cross-linked into a special ultra-dense ink film, fully cured ink film is difficult to be eroded by the solvent, so multi-color printing, You can print, other factors can be adjusted accordingly.
5 drawing
The reason is the viscosity is too high, too fast, the ink used in the resin and solvent caused by improper, should use a suitable solvent, adjust the appropriate viscosity or replace the good ink.
6.Migration, fading
The reason is the use of improper ink in the ink, especially with a large number of plasticizer soft film, more prone to migration, should use the appropriate ink.
7. White or printed surface fog
The reason is that the diluent contains moisture, humidity in the printing environment is high, or the printing ink itself is not good. As the printing surface is dry, solvent evaporation will absorb the surrounding heat, resulting in local water vapor solidified in the ink film or surface white fog, so you should choose the appropriate drying speed or reduce the space humidity, or replace the good ink.

what are the advantages of screen printing?

what are the advantages of screen printing? what is the difference between silk screening and other screen printing? With the increasing demand for printed matter, a large number of spot colors and transition colors in printed matter, as well as the high-precision requirements of customers for printed patterns, the traditional screen printing process has been unable to meet the needs of the market. Screen printing Compared with other printing methods, advantages of screen printing has four aspects:
what are the advantages of screen printing
① screen printing adaptability.Print, letterpress, gravure three printing methods generally can only print on a flat substrate. The screen printing can not only print on the plane, you can also curved, spherical and concave and convex printing on the substrate. On the other hand, screen printing can not only print on hard objects, but also print on soft objects regardless of the texture of the substrate. In addition, screen printing in addition to direct printing, but also can be used according to the need for indirect printing method of printing, that is first screen printing in gelatin or silicone version, and then transferred to the substrate. So we can say that screen printing adaptability, a wide range of applications.
② thick ink layer, strong sense of three-dimensional texture rich offset and embossing ink layer thickness is generally 5 microns, gravure is about 12 microns, flexographic (aniline) printing ink layer thickness of 10 microns, and screen printing Ink layer thickness far exceeds the thickness of the ink layer, generally up to 30 microns. Printed circuit board with a thick screen printing, ink layer thickness up to 1000 microns. Printed Braille dots with foamed ink, foamed ink layer thickness up to 1300 microns. Screen printing ink thick, rich print quality, strong sense of three-dimensional, which is other printing methods can not be compared. Screen printing can not only monochrome printing, but also for color and screen color printing.
③ light fastness, bright color Screen printing with leakage characteristics, so it can use a variety of inks and coatings, not only can use the slurry, adhesives and various pigments, you can also use the coarse particles of pigment. In addition, the screen printing ink deployment method is simple, for example, can put the light-resistant pigment directly into the deployment of ink, which is another major feature of screen printing. Screen printing products have a great advantage of lightfastness. Practice has shown that by using black ink in a coated paper after a maximum measured density range for comparison, offset 1.4, embossing 1.6, gravure 1.8, and screen printing the maximum density range Up to 2.0, so screen printing products lightfastness than other types of printed products, lightfastness, more suitable for outdoor advertising, signs use.
④ large current printing area General offset printing, letterpress and other printing methods of printing the size of the largest area for the whole Zhang size, more than the full size, mechanical and mechanical constraints. The screen printing can be large-area printing, the largest screen printing products today up to 3 m × 4 m, or even larger.
what are the advantages of screen printing?The above four points are the difference between screen printing and other printing, but also the characteristics and advantages of screen printing. Understand the characteristics of screen printing, select the printing method, you can avoid weaknesses, highlighting the advantages of screen printing, in order to achieve a more ideal printing results.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Difference Between Flat Screen & Rotary Screen Printing

As most of the screen printing procedures are different; we can discuss about the difference between Flat & Rotary Screen Printing Process: 
1. In Flat Screen Printing Technology the screen is flat and moves up and down. Beside, the Rotary screen is round in size and it rotates.
flat Screen Printing
2. In Flat screen printing the Squeeze is used. In Rotary Screen Printing, just Roller is used.
3. Small width fabric (45-50″) is printed on Flat Screen Printing. On the other side, large width fabric is printed on Rotary screen printing.
4. In flat screen printing pattern, there are only 6 to 8 color is available. But if you use the Rotary Screen printing, then you will be able to use 16 to 24 colors in a pattern.
5. Flat screen printing process gives a lower production rate. And the Rotary Screen printing is comparatively faster than Flat Screen printing and production rate is 3 times higher than that.
6. The initial investment cost for Flat screen printing machine is low, so that it’s less expensive. But, the initial cost of investment in Rotary screen printing is too high; so, it’s expensive. 
Rotary Screen Printing Rotary Screen Printing 
Though, the Rotary screen printing machine is too much expensive; but in today’s contemporary textile industry uses the expensive one because of it’s productivity and flexibility. 
If you would like to know more information, please send an e-mail to sales@macrokun.com or click the link below to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Silk screen printing mesh 100cm x 127cm - 43T

The   43T polyester mesh   is the ideal solution for screen printing with high color application while maintaining finer image elements. ...